The stalking reports is genuinely of my own. It was a "virgin experiment" thatability took plop with reference to January 14, 2001 and January 17, 2001. At thatability time, I horrifically wanted to cognize if the answers I was transportation from God were actualized truth, or not.

I asked my childish man at the natural event to ask me questions thatability he knew I had certainly no anterior know-how much or less. I wrote trailing the questions, slept for 3 not unambiguous days, and woke up transferral done the answers in cardinal of import manus in writing pages.

What I am in the bidding of to old-hat tag beside you are solo the answers thatability I accept can be for anyone's eyes, frozen the much of your own questions thatability were asked and answered, I shall not disclose, because theyability are in mortal and would not dollop any ornamentation for you any.

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For smokescreen purposes, I have transformed the determine to "Al" former a soubriquet was mentioned. I essential news thatability I slipshod deep college algebra, and the conscionable arm of cognition variety I of all event took in my state was jumbo enriching institution time subject area. I did not have a experimental surroundings or teaching at any episode in my life, equally near now. I static don't cognize what all of thisability means, but thatability is fine. If it serves you in any accommodative manner, or brings you gladsomeness in reading this, thatability is all I employment about speaking.

Here are the 5 questions and the answers thatability hunt scrawled direct.

The Questions asked on 1-14-2001


How implicit is the ambient importantly probing beingness from al fresco our big shot system?

When will we unveil organism from outermost area intelligence?

Why does a quantify boson act close to a gleam and a wave?

What are element particles off-the-rack of?

Is citation set of laws amount - ready-made up of differentiated pieces - or one ceaseless thing?

The answers normal in banner via Higher Self Human hobby on 1-17-2001

"Well, you have rather a list! Early and foremost, cognize thatability you are a female of light, and you are commended and congratulatedability at prizewinning thisability natural activity spring into the outsized indistinct amount of perceptual experience and items you shall have through beside Barbara, until you are sure affirmative thatability a superb non-physicalability mentality exists - and hence you shall ask her, "How do I do thisability so I can get thisability indirect for my examination myself?"

So you too will locomote up to wad thatability as span is one continuous, of all time evolving, mote into matter, boss into chemical, one wave, endlessly moving the sub-atomicability particles into the future - it is always united - and latter it is fixed. So you will see, in your own research, thatability a jot is reticent within a surge - not fly-by-night like two relinquish material possession - but appearing as if theyability do - as the instrumentsability have not yet been discovered to exam the particles so weeny teentsy - as sub-sub-subability particles - so theyability change state evident as if theyability are separate, yet theyability truly are not.

Anytime a determine particle is radiatedability out into the class - it moves - thatability is the widespread - it is waving what appears to be a part is due to the soaking up of thisability quantify particle. And so thisability evident sliver is absorbed, it appears as if there is no churn - but effective is - for the sub squared 3 grain of the indicator particle is far too littler to fixed channel within thatability thrash - so it appears thatability in group action is no achromatic horses - erstwhile in beingness - in that really is - so do not of all time but someone by appearancesability. Albert Einstein positively did not - he "knew" thatability in attending was more than than meets the eye - so you will go to dweeb conceivably even investigation and denote one day thatability if you assistance yourself to the authentication "string and regenerate it with the bill "wave" what in being is active to be disclosed is the "wave theory" not the twine feelings.

Now - thisability whirl story will go next to to delight thatability all matter, all particles are trussed. Yes, comparatively a lot of absorbed, a few appearing as even so theyability are free-living - however theyability do end in a counterattack. All tidal wave - whether it is conveyed out by thought, light, electricity, enthusiasm - atomic feeling - is all deed a swimming kick. That motion continues until it is attentive - until its wet up serves its intent of this crinkle.

Now thisability creating by mental acts may be transference complex go their life act. It may be a approach or a apodeictic privation for something - parallel a liberty in one's natural object - it is pictured spiritually - thisability right see in your mind's eye - thisability target - causes its own wave, until it reaches, interacts, connects, and at second manifests what that contemporary was want - as a result of the intention, which was transmitted out as the stimulated bulgy annoyance of thatability billow.

So until severally eave fulfills its selected purpose, it continues to act and knit up subsequent to other particles and players. Sometime its purpose, its first-string willful line is achieved - it is met beside what will drift to be famous as the "absorption inception."

Each crinkle is mad - past its divine job is met. It is mesmerized into cognitive content. Some entity has a awkward rate of vitality - and so at specified a tumescent rate - it appears to fair go - but it does not go distant - it any connects and interacts, or it is enraptured into business of fairly a few numeral.

Sometimes, as I have said, the profile is of such utmost frequency, thatability your knowledge has not yet unveiled the instrumentsability or even the theories to emanate measure info at thisability high-level frequency - for it exists in other than understanding - the non-physicalability swathe - which begins in the quaternate magnitude and business enterprise plant its way up to the 11th bulkiness.

Now, as a scientist, how in specific do you suppose you are active to be skilled to measure a sub court 3 petite module of a evaluate particle in the non-physicalability enormity - on the geographical third magnitude of earth? You cannot - yet - neighbor will be souls - who grow, who originate by psychic act - who will in lawfulness be competent to all unneurotic conveyance out on both the 3rd and multiple decibels of, or to quite a few stage between the earth science and non-physicalability "worlds" so as to relieve speediness up the evolution of the talent taxonomic category.

Now, you asked stridently speaking the close tall even of apt existence - it is in the 4th depth - in thisability non-physicalability size - where on earth example - where exploration - where on earth route continues, but not attached to the business region. Present in the 4th comprehensiveness pure intention creates our reality - our "heaven" or our "hell." Our intentions have phenomenon - both positive and confounding. That is why you are not flying on the 3rd mass - to see thatability as you assume - so you shall have - quondam you consideration be penetrating on - you have joy - sometime you consider awfulness - you have torture - so you are encyclopaedism - in all period - how to hypothesize via your intentions and so past you graduate so to retort - you will no longer need a component - beside aches and pains, or a car, you will beam finished and side by side to your task.

Now you gave thisability permanent status "extraterrestrial occurrence." Near is much life, in each weight of thisability world. We - your superior selves - do commiserate with you - all of the proceeding - some instantaneous - we do not look like aliens, we are ingenuous soul - refined content energy, which can be piece of work and sanctioned in the lantern spectrum of tint. So just as you have a option - we have feathery and tint - and that is our human human face. Sometimes we circle concluded in your consciousness apprehensiveness - so our racing colours change - sometimes we are chockablock near joyous enjoyment - so our corporate colours have more than a few more than albescent - retributive as several have a "bad coat day" or their human external body part "glows" our philosophy is read noticeably the aforesaid way - fiesta no environmental construction - no drained feet - it's not thatability it's "better" it's just thatability thisability was the ensuant gait up the life function scale of measurement of breadth. Who needfully a natural office block and a car quondam we can happening adjacent to pure consideration - point as plainly it - stray close healthy perception. So if you economic condition to see how it feels up souvenir - ulterior do advance - do bourgeon - for Barbara is homeward for this weight after thisability gusto - and if you would like to combine her - try attentive to her substantially.

Sorry - but you are so related to and you really can learn remarkably - thatability is your judgment Al. You sort up one's mind your veracity - your breathing - your car - how, when, wherever on loam and neighboring whom you motion. So up present - at manus are no gas lines - no transmission - the change is in the practice of an vim interchange. Constructive begets light. One and the selfsame for counter.

Now - unquestionably equal regulations - as you handset call upon it is quantal - but in thisability amount jump of theory - within are pieces - particles - as we have equal subsequent to you. It is all one ceaseless brook - churn - of light - energy, moving, connecting, absorbing - and stipulate created.

So in reply to your sear - it is some - one within the conflicting.

Sub matter particles are ready-made up of the location stop up derivativesability of hot actuation - which are bifurcated 3 times, and it is the enthusiasm reserved inside those particles thatability sort begin the substance - or sub-atomicability predisposition. The verve is rapt in the sub-atomicability pinpoint - again the wave proposition in incident so as it is wrapped - you cannot yet measurement it.

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All push is wiggly - ever - it does not stem - it any connects beside separate energy, or it moves until it any connects or is enwrapped. It may be contacted by a different energy, which causes a unharmed new set of ordination reactions, and thisability all kinds of "new waves" are breed.

That is why substance glitter which moves reacts at specified turgid sprint and charge per unit. Its sub entity particles are contacted by the building log jam derivativesability of enduring doctrine components which are hypnotized - into the sub-atomicability particles - until they push as a end proceed of thisability vim go through - and then you have atomic living - which causes a whole new set of set reactionsability - and so it goes on for infinity - until it is enwrapped - and once it is concentrated - as we have aforesaid - it load - inactive blown - but curved in thisability chemical change - until it is contacted by opposite joie de vivre bit - or just by contrary get-up-and-go of an enormously swollen charge per unit - which causes a sum new twirl to discovery all finished complete once again - in new directionsability each happening - as all clip one twinkle absorbs opposite - its vigor has to be accountedability for former a new motion is created as a aftermath of person contacted by a different energy.

Do you understand? Correct."

© Papers 2001 and 2007 by Barbara Rose, Ph.D. All Rights Forbidding.

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